well according to my ovia fertility app today is the day I'm suppose to take a pregnancy test. but I'm not going to. I still have one more week so see if I start my period. I been cramping a little again today. more than likely it's just period cramps 😢

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I been having super hot flashes the last few days. I have two app to keep track of my periods and me being active. the ovia fertility and my days. ovia says today I'm suppose to start but my days says I start next week. I wanted to get a cheap pregnancy test last night but I changes my mind
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had a sharp cramp 7 days after ovulation it caught me by surprise. also had a 100 degree fever two days before that. that which is usually the body's way getting ready to incubate the egg (everyone is diffrent though). took a test 2 days later you could barley see the line. at 10 dpo I had a clear faint line. by the time my period was due I had 12 clear positive tests on all brands. dollar store ones told me first then I went to buy the expensive ones
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
that's how it always is. it's my first time actually trying to get pregnant I have no kids. it's something I always wanted. so I'm getting very impatient lol.
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
That's how I was! I was just waiting for my period like usual, I was getting cramps and my back was starting to hurt like usual and I was upset because it most likely meant I wasn't pregnant but then on the day I was supposed to get my period I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive! I was so happy!! So good luck you never know(:
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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