I don't know if it's just me, but I honestly crave my boyfriend's attention constantly since I got pregnant. Even to just look at me or lay down and hold me... if he doesn't then it really hurts my feelings. #crazyhormones😂
Yeah it's super hard. But it's a sacrifice we have to make for our little girl. We want the best for her. I haven't seen him since Nov. 23rd and I am being induced this Sunday. He won't meet our daughter until she is almost a month old. 😔😔😔
Me too!!! Lol I always wanted to go everywhere with my hubby. My favorite part of the day would be when he would cuddle me in bed. Now we are in two different countries and if he doesn't return my text almost immediately my feeling get really hurt and I cry. I'm super duper emotional and cry about everything.
Mine too. He says I'm very emotional. the slightest things upset and annoy me. I have become a worst b**** than before and never thought that was possible.
@lexiiroyal, I don't understand it. before I got pregnant I wasn't really like that at all. Now that's all I want to do. If he goes somewhere it kills me.