Ashley Magrum
Ashley Magrum
Hey mamas,
FTM here... I've been having really bad back pain in the middle right side of my back, it's soo bad even when I am laying on either side. The only way to relieve the pain is to lay flat on my back, but I've read that it's bad to sleep on your back while pregnant. Does anyone have any suggestions to relieve the pain? Also is this even a normal? I would think if my back hurt it would be in the center, not just on one side... Also I feel like maybe it's too early to have back pains. I don't know! My anxieties have anxieties 😖

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I hear ya I am in the same boat @amagrum I have a body pillow that I rest my stomach on as I petty much lay on my stomach (if that makes sense) had to sleep sitting up last night sucked. Do whatever you can to make you and the baby comfy.
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thanks @kristineen, I'll try that too. I have a snoogle, but I'm still having this pain. Maybe I'll have to try to lay more on top of it rather than just around my back and between my legs.
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
it's not recommended to sleep on your back but if it helps with the pain it's not bad to do it for a little while. I still wake up on my back every morning and so far baby boy is doing fine. I use a heating pad for the pain and have my husband rub my back. some people have back pain through their whole pregnancy so it's not uncommon. try not to stress too much (I know it's hard, I'm a pro stresser). if you still have worries though I would talk to my doctor and let them know what's going on so they can monitor you
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sit on your hands and knees and let gravity help move the baby into hopefully a more comfortable position. Also sleep with pillows between your legs and under your butt/lower back for added support.
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Oh nice! I'll have to look into a chiropractor! Thank you so much 🤗
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
my back hurt like that, I went to the chiropractor today and he adjusted my hips and it felt great. it's a little sore cause I've been have a lot of contraction but I can at least get comfortable to sleep
22.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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