finally got him where he will sit on the potty and not cry now I just need to figure out this whole potty training thing out Idk what do do its my 1st child

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- 20 months and hasn't shown any interest or any signs of potty training
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
My daughter is 14 months and potty trained! I started out just catching her pooping, and running to the bathroom to let her Finnish in the potty and showing her that's where big girls use the potty then I just started taking her every 45 minutes or so, and I let her pull down her pants and take her diaper off and set herself on her potty(if she wants to sit on the big potty I have to help her) and then I make a HUGE deal about it even if she doesn't go everytime! I clap my hands and say "yay! Kynlees a big girl!" And just keep saying "big girl! You went pee pee/poopie on the big girl potty! And clap my hands sometimes I even have dad come in and give her a high five, and then I let her flush, and now she just thinks it's super awesome to go potty.
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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