I broke up with my babydaddy about a month ago & now I miss him.. I found some stuff in his phone & im really hurt but i feel like he's not making a huge effort in getting me back he has tried but i ignored him & i saw him last week it was nice but he kissed me & i grunted & squished my face. I cant help im still upset with him & now he hasn't really been trying to contact me. I called him to apologize over the weekend & things were ok but now its been 4 days we haven't talked. He says he feels like things aren't the same & that im tired of him but we can't just chill one day & everything goes back to normal. Im still damaged i just want him to prove he's sorry 🙁 any advice would be great..

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@ceedubbzwifey, that's really great! I hope it works out :) and if you ever need to talk feel free to message me. 😊
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@ceedubbzwifey, That's great! I hope everything works out for y'all!
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyt08262016, @lyricsmommy15 thanks guys he actually just texted me saying how much he misses me maybe we'll just take it slow from here
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Maybe a good idea that you could tell him is to date again. Have him gain back your trust. Talk like you did in the beginning. Go out together, text each other during the day. Tell him this is something you want to do if he wants to be together. This will help rebuild your relationship and trust, and rekindle the spark. If that's what you want, you have to also be willing to make a choice to try too.
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Maybe you need to have a face to face talk. Explain that you feel he's not putting any effort into showing he's sorry. Put him in your shoes. Ask him how he would feel if he found stuff on your phone and then you didn't act sorry.
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@iammykidskeeper, exactly its gunna take me time & i feel he's not putting in enough effort. I have no idea why he's ignoring me when im the one whos hurt lol men can be so egotistical & dumb at times
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyt08262016, we have talked on the phone but we'll end up having a good convo on the phone then go back to ignoring each other. He's not putting in any effort to show me he's sorry :(
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm literally in the same situation I broke up with mine 5 almost 6 months ago it takes time for pain to heal & retrust someone that's nothing you can rush back into because all the shit they did will still bother you.
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Talk to him. Explain to him the way you felt about the stuff you found on his phone. Tell him you miss him and you'd like to talk things over. I found some stuff on my boyfriend's phone and I was really upset and we talked it over.
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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