Madison conn
Madison conn
Every time i put my little boy down he cries has to be held constantly... does anyone know what I could do to help him, I've tried giving him toys , snacks anything that might get his mind off of being held but nothing seems to work.. Don't get me wrong I love to hold him but doing everything and holding an 9 month old is hard, especially when he can crawl! It just get frustrating alot! #helpplease

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I'm going to try that to see if that helps! He sleeps alone can't stand to be touched when he's asleep so you would think he would want to play alone. I'm going to start trying this slowly to see if it helps! Thank you! @babymomma1215
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
sometimes it's best to let them cry it out. otherwise they learn if I cry long enough they'll pick me up anyways.
21.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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