I need a friend. I'm depressed as fuck. I've already attempted suicide (may 2011). I don't have one real friend. I'm pregnant again and I'm just sad as fuck I burden everyone I'm fat I just wanna fucking cut myself but I can't and I just want to know I'm not alone in feeling this way. I feel like I already fail as a mom and my bf isn't as supportive as he used to be idk if having two kids is scaring him but I need some support because I'm not getting any and I'm ready to go to the hospital for a 72 hr evaluation. I'm sick of being sad.

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they really don't need me. no one does and everyone makes it very clear. I haven't been this sad since that gun was in my hand almost five years ago. I just wanna feel appericated and important and not like a burden....I'm so much stronger now but I'm losing this battle with depression. my meds aren't working. I can't smoke as much pot (medicinal) and I'm just having a hard time
20.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
you are not fat you are gorgeous and just think of your beautiful babies when you get depressed they need you and love you so much...
20.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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