How do i tell my mother-in-law, who doesn't see my son often, that she needs to come alone or not come at all, if she has her granddaughter that is always sick and coughing?? I don't want seem disrespectful, should I talk to my husband first??
If your hubby doesn't say something, you are definitely allowed to say something. I've finally put my foot down with my mother in law and hubby is finally following along. He was always afraid to make her mad but it's YOUR family, YOUR baby, YOUR choices.
he may get upset, but just try to get him to realize that you just don't want the baby sick. my boyfriend won't let our son go to his mom's house because she smokes inside. I wouldn't feel comfortable telling her no, but he did and she's perfectly okay with it. and since he's a mommy's boy, she may be more willing to listen and respect his concerns. just approach it nicely and make sure you make it all about the baby, not her.
@jgled000, I like that idea. I guess I can grow a pair and talk to him instead, he's just such a mommy's boy that he always thinks I have something against her.
She visits with her, and I feel like she's always sick. Loui is yet to get sick but one of these visit he's gonna catch it and idk if I should just wait. Our relationship has been very rocky since my son was born.
I would talk to your husband and see if he can talk to her. if it were me, I wouldn't want her to think I was being rude and didnt want her to come. coming from her son, she's more likely to accept it.
I was always to nervous to talk to my mother in law. But my husband always told her what we didn't want and what was ok. I would talk to your significant other and figure out a solution.