I currently live with my parents, and we have a houseful! Including my parents, my little brother, his fiancé, their daughter, my daughter, and myself all live together. Lately there has been some "disagreements" between my brother's fiancé and myself....mostly parenting styles and issues involving the baby dishes. Is it wrong of me to be secretly excited and counting down the days until they move out?

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I do appreciate that her Granma and mom think of my daughter as their other baby and buy her things, but my daughter is in 9 month-12 month clothes, and the three of them are squeezing her into 3-6 month clothes. And I'm pretty sure that there is not rule stating that breast fed baby bottles and bottle fed baby bottles cannot be washed in the same hot water....don't get me wrong, I wash her stuff first and my daughter's bottles ALWAYS dry on a towel instead of the rack so none of my niece's stuff "touch while drying"...cuz then it won't dry properly (otherwise she bitches). But when she changes the water temperature when I'm not looking (even after her stuff is washed) is getting on my nerves.
20.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I live with my mom and I get it... I am counting down the days!!!
20.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
no not wrong at all, I am currently living with my mom and dad, it's me (33wks preggie), my hubby, our son (3yrs old), my mom, my dad, 98% of the time my niece (2yrs old), and brother, and my mom favorites my niece and my brother really bad then is mean to my son, myself and my husband when my brother is around (he doesn't take care of his daughter me and my mom does while he sits on his phone or sleeps) but as soon as he goes to work at 8pm she starts being nice to us...I mean it's one thing to b mean to me but not to my son and husband! So I am super excited about getting the f* out of their house and into my own so she can play favorites anytime she wants when I'm not around, u know neither my child or husband deserve to be treated like this especially by my husbands MIL and my sons Memaw...I could care less if she treats me like shit I'm use to it, I mean she isn't helping with getting our daughter stuff or wanting to be part of that, my dad, grandma, sister, and friends help out more then she does, all my mom seems to worried about my brother and my niece (BTW my mom watches my niece M-F all day and all night get 2 day break and right back on it my brother sits on the couch talks shit stays on his phone or goes to sleep in my mom's room while everyone watches his daughter and my brother doesn't mom has Degenerative Disc Disease, scoliosis, spinal stenosis, and really bad arthritis in her neck) sorry kinda turned into a rant :/ but it's not bad to be happy or excited about them leaving at all, if it was up to me I'd be dancing as they r leaving lol @kns625
20.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Yes, i understand! my mother in law always wants everything her way. she wanted to choose the baby crib && im like niggah , you aint the one whos gunna be taking care of my child! I definitely dont want her to even see my baby or hold him. But she is my freakin mother in law.
20.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@baby_2016, it's just they don't do anything around the house to help out, yet they are the first to bitch about how laundry was washed (or folded) and how their baby dishes were washed. I'm sorry, but like most people, I cannot stick my hands in boiling water for long periods of time to wash bottles.
20.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Even tho our situations aren't exactly alike I can kindve relate! Me and my Fiance and our two kids actually live with his grandmother, trying to do everything for the kids and then cleaning after a grown women gets frustrating!
20.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
No ! its okay to move out ! im planning to move out with my boyfriend, because i just dont get along with them. They are always criticizing us,&& im tired of it.
20.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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