Well it depends on the reason they're cracked and bleeding. When I had that problem, the issue was that I was letting my son just hang out latched to my nipple but not eating. I used nipple guards between feedings so they could heal, also lanolin. And if the skin is broken, which it is if they're bleeding, you need to make sure you wash them after each feeding with veggie based soap to make sure you don't get mastitis or thrush.
@mommyslittleangels11, Just keep putting her on the breast and your milk will come in faster. Seeing her latched and her sucking will stimulate your body to make milk. Also, try to stay away from the bottle if you can and are wanting to breastfeed. It can, but doesn't always, cause nipple preference then she may refuse to latch at all.
@babybsproudmomma, good to know that I'm not the only one had/having trouble. We've been supplementing with some formula. She didn't have any trouble latching on when she was first born Monday afternoon but now it seems like she gets so mad and frustrated because both of us are trying so hard but nothing is happening. And plus my milk hasn't come in yet..hopefully that happens soon.
I was right there with you lady!! It wasn't until about 2 1/2 months that my son was able to latch himself with no help, and now he's just about 3 months and he chugs both sides like a champ! Some Mommas get it really fast and easily, but others like myself have to work at it. But I promise you, when your baby starts having a perfect latch and is able to empty the breast more efficiently, it's seriously so worth it- I promise! Not to mention, it's free! But you'll find your groove sooner or later. If you need to, talk with a lactation specialist and even watch videos online of how to get a good deep latch.
Hang in there!! Once it starts flowing your baby will latch on. she just isn't getting enough of the flow like she does the bottle. My son was the same way, he was 3 weeks early and had to feed him every two hours. But don't give up breastfeeding, it's the best bond with you baby. It'll take awhile, but like I said, it'll get better!
What should I do until my milk comes in..I just had her on the 18th? I've been supplementing with some formula. And she's also not sleeping unless me or my husband are holding her :/ we haven't even been home for 12 hours and I haven't been able to get any sleep..while my husband is out cold..I am exhausted. Also in pain from contracting as well..
It gets the better of us I had to stop 2 months in which is fine if you feel like you can't than that's alright it's your choice with me I was having some pretty painful let's downs but also my daughter just would not latch even from the help of a lactation consult who was sort of able to still couldn't but I also had a side of extreme engorgement but if breastfeeding doesn't work try pumping if your really not interested or can't than formula they make it for a reason and you can still get a great bond going still just by holding her skin to skin contact but if you need any advice or want to talk message me! but also if formula is the way to go I would try to get WIC because formula can be expensive unfortunately we can't get on WIC but it's worth gives you that extra hand
Dont give up i did and now wishing i didnt i loved the bonding but after i gave up found out that her lip tie wasnt letting her latch so she would get mad and not eat and just be fussy