any money saving tip for all things baby?

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Deff gently used clothes I go to good will.or use resale sites most of the clothes I buy have tags still on them and you get more for your money. I use coupons on his diapers so I only pay 16-18$ for a case of diapers I buy cases of wipes so it save me money in the long run 360 wipes last him 3-4 months. WIC helps a lot with formula and baby food and once baby is 1 helps with food and whole milk for baby. Also when baby grows out of their clothes resale them and use the money you get from that to go towards more
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Gently used clothes are your best friend! And people will buy you plenty of new outfits so baby will have a good combo of the 2!!! I bought like 10 huge bags from a local mom for $70. She was even kind enough to let me pick what I wanted out of everything she had and only had things that were gently used and some still had tags! My other tip is coupons!!!! For things like wipes and diapers!!! If you're gonna formula feed (even if you aren't do this anyways) go online to similac. Enfamil. And Gerber website and sign up. They sent you TONS of free formula! And enfamil also sends $5 checks for their formula. And if you formula feed. After you use all your free samples. Target brand formula is a knock off of enfamil and it works fantastic. You get literally double the amount of formula for the same price as name brand. And usually if you buy 3 at a time. You get a 10$ giftcard. And last but not least. Have a diaper raffle at your baby shower!!!! (: or host diaper parties through your pregnancy! (:
19.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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