Sleep training in the crib is...... "fun". I'm trying the no cry method, it's going ok so far- day 2. Has anyone tried the cry it out method? What have you found effective? ? any feedback would be greatly appreciated dolls :)
thanks so much mommas for the advice. the no cry method - from what I've read is basically not letting them cry it out in their crib. so you'll comfort them, or rock them to sleep and then put them back in their crib after their calm. I read that letting them cry leads to issues when they are older. .. psychological issues-- but that's what I have read. pray for me 😉
My daughter cries either way so sometimes I hold her and sometimes I put her down. She'll eat be clean and everything she'll have her eyes closed and just scream and cry till she sleeps even if I'm holding her rocking her whatever it is. It's whatever works best for you and your baby, I wouldn't let them cry it out over a few minutes because sometimes they can make themselves sick from it.
I'm sorry but you guys should really do research on the cry it out method and I wouldn't recommend it on an infants because they could be crying for any reason I think the cry it out method was specified for toddlers who throw fits
I never let my son cry I out. He gets a really sad scream cry after a couple minutes and my heart just can't take his sad cries:( I've also heard it gives them anxiety when you let them cry it out but I don't know if that's really true! Goodluck momma!
oh wow! thanks girls!! I'll try that if this "no cry method " doesn't work. nice to know other options :) and that they work. I go back to work next week so need a solution! !! 😙😙😙
My husband and I let our one month old reasonably cry it out in his crib when we know he has eaten and been changed. It works! I didn't think I could ever do it but sometimes you just have to put baby down!
It's not going so well for me but it's a learning process, I think it might be a little better now cause she's teething and self soothing so that might teach her to sooth at bedtime and nap time