My doctor told me to take ranitidine but since before I got pregnant i already had such bad heart burn they told me to stay on my nexium bc of how many times a day I would have to take the ranitidine so if anything that's what your ob will tell you to take is the ranitidine also your ob should have a website they use to check meds out to see what class they are ask for that website or you can always use and look up the class your self because some classes change later in your pregnancy you can get ranitidine from Walmart where the heart burn meds are
worked with heartburn before pregnancy .. so when i got pregnant now i stick to it.. good luck! also.. had crazy heartburn with my first pregnancy and my daughter was practically bald at birth lol
I had heart burn with my daughter and she came out with alot of hair too with my boysbi didn't have heart burn I'm having another girl and the heart burn is 20x worse lol
@branedamaris, I am so sorry girl definitely talk to your doctor they can prescribe something. With my first I had heartburn everyday since day one nothing helped and I couldn't drink water or anything. She came out with a head full of hair and the heart burn instantly stopped when she came out. I asked for a sandwich while I was still in the labor and delivery room lol. I hope you find relief! Good luck
in at the hospital now for heartburn... I tried rolaids tums and yogurt but nothing was working.... they gave me a pepcid pill and it helped in 30 mins