I was induced with my son and still was able to do it with no epidural. That being said I had him in under 5 hours and they ended up stopping the pitocin because I was progressing on my own and the contractions were non stop and super hard. Hoping with this one I'll be able to get her out naturally too. Good luck Hun!
@mrsdiaz2014, baby is down in birthing canal but I'm not dialating I haven't for 6 weeks, my doctor set the induction date because he is measuring 8-9 pounds on the out side and 9-10 from an ultrasound, I've lived on a ball for 4 weeks, I've walked, eaten pineapple, drank peppermint tea, hot baths, sex. Literally everything safe for me and baby. My doc thinks I will not dialate naturally but knows i wanted 100% natural drug free vaginal birth so she's inducing to avoid a c section. I was high risk the beginning of my pregnancy and the midwife wouldn't keep me, if I have baby vaginally then she will allow me to have a home birth with my next, witch is all I want. I really dislike the idea of introducing pitocin into my babies body since he hasn't had anything his entire 40 weeks of growing but I will if it means he gets to enter the world the way I want. Given I won't turn down a c section if it was needed but I want to avoid ir
I've been trying just about everything safe. My cervix hasn't changed in 6 weeks. The only reason my doc has set the date and not let me go over is because he is measuring 8-9 pounds and I'm so small she's worried he gets any bigger I won't be able to get him out. I am excited just scared and bummed that he has to be forced out.
you have til Thursday hun. Try researching how to naturally and safely get labor going. Or if you want to wait for your little bun keep him in til then haha. Either way HOW EXCITING!