I'm 26 weeks y'all ! so far the only new symptoms I've been getting is the feeling like she's pushing everything up, causing me to be short of breath. the on going symptom i have is peeing a lot. I have an appointment on the 22nd with a high risk doctor because I found out last week when my records finally got transferred over, that I am anemic and because I had an ectopic pregnancy , they want to see me till I give birth. for those that were following my posts, I moved with my mom due to the fact my husband left me when I was 20 weeks pregnant, and have only been seen by an ob twice throughout my pregnancy due to insurance not kicking in when it was supposed to. I am still currently waiting for it to kick in, but luckily I am going to be seen this week and am supposed to have blood work and an ultrasound done. I hope everyone is having a stress free happy pregnancy. I hope that my mind will be put at ease this Friday.