I had my daughter yesterday at 7:09 am. an I've been breast feeding her an I feel like she isn't getting full at all she's always hungry can I do breast milk an formula?
2oz is all baby needs, your colostrum is enough. she's still learning to latch on momma. keep latching her, EBF IS hard work but formula can make her not want the boob anymore and gain a bottle preference.. if you NEED to supplement make sure you're pace feeding @destineylee96
for the first few weeks it will seem like ur baby will always be on the boob...they r building ur supply for u...and this while experience is new for them and ur they mommy so they want to b close to u...if u do give formula please do paced bottle feeding and don't over fed...u can message me if u need help or just want to talk...its stressful but a bond that u will love!
@destineylee96, they're going to crack & hurt you're going to be in pain for at least a week! But I promise it gets better! Nipple cream will be your friend ☺️ pump pump pump if you are pumping every two hrs for 25 min after latching baby your milk supply will come in right away! It's better to start now that in a couple of weeks trying to boost your supply! Goodluck! & congratulations!
I'm gonna call my nurse in. she's so cranky BC she's hungry an I have her on my boobs every hour for at least 30 minutes. an she's still hungry after she gets off. an my nipples are already cracking:(