anyone seen a consultant because they have had a small baby previously 5lb 6oz full term and because baby im currently carrying is measuring small? just want to understand why there concerned and what people have experienced as my consultant and midwife seem to be absolutely useless

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the consultant was usless she didn't even no why I was there, she asked me and I was like erm think its because im measuring small and I've had a previous small baby as my midwife didn't really explain why I had been sent there it was pretty useless tbh she never did or asked me anything was annoying and well i suffer from low iron and they have given me tablets for that but I don't feel any better been on them about a month now and I just want to no.of there going to suggest inducing me or trying to make me have a c section as I'd really prefer to not have a c section at all I had a natural birth with no pain reifef with my first and would like to do the same again if possible as I know I can do it and I can go home much faster well I had to stay in with my first as she couldn't regulate her own temperature xxx
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
The consultant wants to ensure your baby is getting everything it needs in correct measures through the umbilical cord. My first was 4lb11 and they were constantly measuring me and discussing the umbilical cords work :( usually nothing to worry about xxx
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@kayla1810, don't let anyone scare you go of your daughter she turned out just fine and so will your bubba to your mummy instinct if you've already had a small baby I would just class that as " your normal" x
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
thanks hun, ive told them my eldest daughter is 2 and she is perfectly fine she was born a day before my due date 5lb 6oz and she started gaining weight straight away and has always been huge lol always been a chunk until she started walking where she averaged out I just wanted to no if they ever tried to induce anyone or try to make you have a c section due to them being small as I've read they prefer you to have them early if there small so they can keep a eye on them outside the womb rather than in the womb xxx
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
They say a full term baby should be around the 71b mark my daughter was 6.14 and considered under's all crap I wouldn't worry as long as the baby's lungs are developed and there eating well there is no problem they will put on weight my mum is one of 5 and every single one of my nans children where 51b ish I was born 6.3 it's just guidelines Hun x
18.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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