Couple questions about my 6 week old daughter. She's had a red rash under her arm pit and in the crease of her neck for a few days now, I'm thinking it's due to sweat since its in those areas/in her creases and it also has a strange odor too it but I'm not sure what I should put on it??? Any idea??
And also wondering if she should be popping every day or multiple times a day? She normally poops every other day one time. Should I be switching formula or is this normal??

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It's normal for a baby to go a couple days without pooping
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Sounds like what my daughter had, as far as the rash goes. It could very welcome be a mix of her sweating and letting formula leak while she is eating. At least that's what my doctors doctor suggested. To clear my daughters up I used Aquaphor Ointment for babies and it was cleared up a just a few days. Just be advised that this may happen quite a few time until she can hold her head up.
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
sounds like she has a heat rash. baby powder will clear that right up. as long as she has a bowel movement a day she should be good. my sons Dr said at that young they should at least poop once a day. I'd talk to her Dr before switching formulas though
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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