well my pregnancy did not go as planned. Last Friday I was diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia. Last Saturday I was rushed into an emergency c-section. My blood pressure got up to 195/102. My baby was born at 34w 3days. She was born a day before my birthday! Yesterday she was a week old. It still doesn't seem real. I'm at home recovering but she is still in the NICU. She weighed 4lbs 1oz at birth. She now weighs 3lbs 14oz. She has a few obstacles to overcome before she can come home. Please keep her in your prayers. Mia Ann 1/9/16
Thank yall! @emmajeremy2627 she pulled her feeding tube out also. She was only about 4 days old when she did it. They put it back in through her nose instead of her mouth and she seems to not be so bothered by it.
hope she makes it there soon. my daughter pulled out her feeding tube after about a week so the doctors said "I guess she's telling us she doesn't need it anymore" they never put it back in ha-ha. wish you all the best.
Thanks for all the prayers! @emmajeremy2627 yes all she is working on is her feedings! She is off of oxygen and IV. Just need her to gain weight while taking a bottle. Right now she is up to 15cc per feeding. They up her feeding amount every 12 hours as long as she digests well. When she makes it to 4lbs they will start her on a bottle and take her off the feeding tube
praying. does she need to work on her feeding? my preemie was born at 35+4 4.6 pounds. she stayed in the icn (intermediate care nursery) for 2 weeks to work on feedings and keeping her temp.
hopefully she gets to come home soon! :)
she'll be home in no time my son was born at 32 weeks at 4lbs 11oz and he had to stay in the nicu for 3 weeks. trust me it's hard but put your trust in God she'll be home. praying for.your family