one of my friends just annouced shes 2 months pregnant, and my sister is gonna start trying begining of February, not gonna lie if my sister gets pregnant before me im gonna be a little upset my husband and i have been tryi g for almost 6 months.

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my sister already has a wonderful smart and beautiful little girl who is 3. plus she has 3 stepchildren. all i want is for this to be my turn. every since we were little ive always been in the shadows. she found out she was pregant my senior year thats the year where everything was suppose to be awesome and about me finishing school but no she got that year and every year since when my mom would babysit id have to call or txt if i wanted to see my mom and make sure my niece wasnt asleep... so i started feeling blocked out of the family. so now maybe ull understand. @jheyer1109
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
well don't get upset for her. everything is different for everyone. you will get pregnant soon. what worked for me this second time was going a month without paying attention to trying to get pregnant. enjoy your husband. have sex when you feel like it. go out and enjoy some fun with him and let loose. I tried for 5 months after the depo shot. few years back my husband was told he had low t. 24 years old at that time. they we're surprised we had just had a baby. so I didn't believe the doctors. he was on pain management during that time. which lowers sperm count. I stopped getting birth control. I figured, why be on it if we cant have kids, or if theres that 1% chance to get pregnant. so I tried for those months after the shot. knowing it takes time for your body to regulate. and it was getting there. all test we're negative. taking several every month. then I decided. October I would give it a rest for a bit. I just enjoyed life. then one day I realized hey I'm two days late. which happens sometimes. I decided to use my last digital the next morning. told myself, its okay if its negative. we still have more time. so I took the test and walked away. came back in and it said YES!!! I was so surprised. I couldn't believe it. I woke up my husband screaming with so much excitement. he had me take another. it was another yes. made my appointment. I had to wait till I was 8 weeks to see the doctor. so I tested throughout the time just to be sure. just to keep feeling good. dark positive every single test. within a few seconds. I used to take test when I wasn't pregnant, seeing a faint line. sticking it up to the light. pulling the test strip out.
not this time. this was a true positive.
my first appointment, we did a sonogram. we saw twins!!! Runs in my family. so no ivfs or any of that.
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I can see your frustration but I need to tell you my story. My older sister has been able to get pregnant but her son passed away at 2 months after that as he was born with a genetic disorder. Nothing could have been done differently. Since Beau's death she hasn't been able to find happiness with anyone having babies. She has been pregnant a handful of times now and they keep ending in miscarriages. When I was pregnant with my first son, I was so afraid to tell her and she is my best friend. She has always been my best friend. I felt I couldn't ask her questions, or tell her things. She loves my son like crazy. I am now pregnant again and the day I found I was pregnant I was scared shitless bc she was the first person I wanted to call but knew she would hate me again. I can't tell her I felt the baby flutter bc she resents me. She and her fiancé have tried so hard for another healthy child and has been unable to. She is getting married in June and I am due in July. She told me I am ruining her wedding bc I will be 8months pregnant and her maid of honor. I know she loves me and I love her but I also can't share my excitement on Facebook because I'm worried about hurting her feelings and taking away from her final big day. I want to be able to be excited about this baby and have others excited for me but I'm so worried of upsetting my best friend. I'm not telling you how to feel, but just remember your sister wants to be able to feel excited just like you would be excited. I promise I'm not trying to be mean. I just am the sister on the other end.
17.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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