Baby came early at 35 ALMOST 36 weeks via emergency C-section. This was the most busy week, but so blessed that she is healthy and didn't require any time in the NICU! She was born Thursday evening... My life will never be the same!
if my son had been four pounds he wouldnt have had to go to the nicu. he was only there eight days but it was one of the worst feelings lying in that hospital bed and not having my baby with me. i didnt get to hold him til he was three days old. he was so little because his umbilical cord got constricted and he wasnt getting nutrients or anything so he wasnt gaining weight. so i had an emergency c section as well. she is definitely beautiful. im pregnant with twins right now. so i will more than likely be having them early as well. im praying for no nicu time.
youre so very lucky. my first child came at 35 almost 36 weeks and he was only 3 lbs and 14 oz. he had to stay in the nicu for a bit. congratulations. :)