Surprisingly I'm very laid back as a first time mom and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing lol! If my son stayed itty bitty forever my husband would be in heaven! They have such a wonderful bond :)
Awww he looks so Damn cute! 😍I'm sure he'll be fine if his neck is strong. I'm just a nervous first time mom hahaha so I always think of the worst crap that could happen 😂
Lol same here! My daughter is almost four months old and she's already sitting up for a few seconds ;c I wish they would stay itty bitty. You're welcome :) @britttttanie
hmm he's kinda young but I used to put rolled up receiving blankets on both sides of nylah.. no higher then her arm pits so her face wouldn't go right into them. but she was also swaddled at that age so a little harder for her to roll.
Hmm he still is kinda little..if you notice him roll try rolling him on to his side at least. But since he's been rolling for a while I'm sure he'll be fine :) @britttttanie
@britttttanie lol awww my daughter sometimes sleeps better on her tummy. as soon as she could roll over I didn't worry about her sleeping on her tummy.
He just turned 3 months, but he has a very strong neck and has been holding his head since 5 weeks and started rolling at 8...I'm not sure how to feel. No matter if I roll him back over or not he will still roll! @anap1012 @mdomke22 @mrsmord
as long as you think he can move his head if he needed to I think you'd be fine. I was told put them to bed on their backs... and if they roll over willingly they are ok. how old is he?