morning sickness sucks.. 8 weeks 2 days prego and i cant eat without puking right after. i can drink anything and keep it down. but the minute i eat im puking. cant take my prenatal til i eat so how am i gonna eat to take the prenatal? i asked the dr they only said vitamin b6 1/2 nd 1/2. a sleep aide three xs a day. i have a toddler... i cant be sleeping all day nd nite. altho im tired all the time nd can sleep. but im always hungry. any other mommies experienced this?? any ideas? help? i wanna eat real food. ive been eatting healthy too well somewhat. also what are some cravings? ive been craving cheese....cheese melted on bread, scoops chips, peel cheese, all that. lastly, if you have more then one baby... which made u more sick the boy or girl of you have one of each? with my daughter i didnt find out til i was 3 months.. but morning sickness wasnt this bad. i was just tired. please help?