I have been with my Fiancé (father of my child) since high school 2004. Since he works in the Oil & Gas industry he is away sometimes and I miss him even more now that I am pregnant. It's like our normal phone/Skype/texts are enough anymore. I'm not complaining but in a way I am because I'm so emotional lately.

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I lived an hour away from my SO and he would work all day and I would work graveyard all night so we hardly got to talk, when we did it wasn't very long and I was feeling very lonely. It's okay, it gets better. You're probably missing the physical affection. I know I was.
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
iFelt the exact same way. Try going up with him to visit a couple weeks. That's how iDeal with it, at least until my daughter starts school in August.
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I know exactly how you feel especially being a military spouse.. It sucks but just remember it will be worth it at the end (: keep yourself bust
16.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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