Ladies I need advice on how to get my fiancé to get involved with our 5 month old.
Yes! Thank God he has a job, and works his @$$ off....
but is that really an excuse to not do anything????
I had the same problem at first, but it changed before my son was two weeks old. It's going to sound bad, but push the baby on him (not in a bad way!). What I did is hold my son and approach him, saying something like "oohhhh, daddy's taking his shoes off!" And double points if you can get your baby to smile at him; it should make his world. Just incorporate the baby into whatever your fiancé is doing and when he lays down maybe put your baby beside him, saying something like "take a nap with daddy." Honestly I think it's just talking to your baby about what their daddy is doing, maybe them hearing that word will help him b