wow something really scary nd creepy my mom nd hubby told me . ok well they went to see this property one day cuz they are intreseted in the property two see wat it looks like nd well it had this house that was really old nd the property looked clean and pretty nd no one lived there at,all . nd well they went back there today to see the property again nd turns out the house on it wasn't suppose to exsist at all nd had no address or anything nd they looked at it again nd there were baby clothes all over the place nd kids clothes nd my hubby said he felt like he was being watched nd just had a really bad feeling and sick feeling bout that house . nd looked like a murder house . one room was completly boarded not any other room just that room nd had a whole in it nd something over it to make it look like there is no whole on it at all nd thats the only room that did no other room. nd it had stuff blocking the basement nd the basement I don't wanna repeat what they said bout the basement . I had the most sick feeling when they talked bout this house nd a really bad feeling bout this house . but when ever my dad is here again he's a truck driver they want to bring him there to show the property to him nd stuff . good thing they brought a tazor nd well they said they left from that house quick mom wasn't able to get her truck in there so she just stayed in the truck .
8.2 лет

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