Mommas, PLEASE do not use the cry it out method. It is psychologically damaging, and if baby is crying, there's ALWAYS a reason. Even if that reason is needing to be held, that's as good of a reason as being hungry or a poopy diaper. When you let your baby cry it out, you aren't teaching them to self soothe. You're teaching them that they can't trust you. That they're alone. That no one cares. They aren't ceasing their crying cause they're better...they gave up, and probably cried til their little throat hurt too much to cry anymore. I know it's tough, momma. I know sometimes it seems like there's no end in sight, and there's nothing you can do. But you can't give up. You just can't. Take a deep breath and try again.

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As small babies, yes, they cry for a reason and attending to them builds trust and a bond. But once they are nearing 1 year then the cry it out method isn't going to hurt them. By them they've learn how to manipulate. That's why they love the "I drop the toy, you pick it up" game. By then they want what they want so they cry and since they are too young to be told no and reasoned with then crying it out is what works. Otherwise they'll learn that if they cry they'll always get what they want
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
By Ill gotten advice, I used the cry it out method on my now 16 year old. Although I am now 35 and can't stomach the cry it out method, guess what happened to my little girl? Nothing. She is a very confident teenager, who is and always was a mommy's girl. She is an honor roll student with goals that she is full filling in life. I don't know if I believe that one thing hurts them psychologically. If you are an uncaring parent throughout life yeah! But not that. Just my opinion. Gotta 16 year old to back mine up. I have a 12 year old too, but he was a relaxed chill baby all the time. My 7 month old who I never let cry it out because my nerves simply can't take it is SPOILED, SPOILED SPOILED. She is glued to me and barely has anything to do with anyone else, wants to be held a majority of the time. We are going to have real trouble when I go to work this year and I never had that trouble with the others.
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@amoureux, thanks it's just hard cuz I'm home with the baby all day while my fiancee is at work and I haven't gotten much sleep so I'm very irritable and cranky... lol
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@lyndsie94, that's excellent! That's how I am, too. It's not easy, but parenting isn't supposed to be. @gracie0922 , it's completely normal to feel overwhelmed, especially when baby is teething. You're doing great, though! Just be there for her as much as possible. She may still hurt physically, but you're keeping her from heartbreak by being there for her 💜
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
This is perfect cuz this is exactly how I've been feeling all day yesterday and so far today cuz my poor baby is teething and has a tooth that's about to break free so she's been super fussy and clingy to mommy and I get frustrated but I know it's not her fault and wish l could just take her pain away when she starts crying
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
When I think of my son's little heart breaking like that I want to cry and hug him closer. I don't see how anyone could just let their baby hurt. Fussing is one thing (just sounding unhappy, getting ready to cry). But once my little man starts crying I know there's a reason and I'm the only person who can fix it. I'm proud to admit I'm a drop everything cause my baby is crying type of mama. I have no shame in it.
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I can only like this once but it deserves 100!
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
14.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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