any mommy's gone through labor without an epidural.? tell me how it is. cause I really do not want to get one, just some advice on how to get through it would be nice.
@missyowl92, good luck!! I would also tighten my grip on the bars of the bed while breathing, and that helped me get through each contraction. By the time it's time for the baby to come out, I would push with each contraction. It was this heavy urge to push and I just HAD too!! lol no coaching needed, at all. I guess when u aren't drugged you get to feel everything and it's an amazing triumph. I felt like superwoman afterwards! 🙆😂😂 and if you end up needing it and do an epidural, that's ok. As long as you and the baby are ok, it's all good! Good luck to you 👣👣
I plan on going without the epidural too, don't want to risk long term back issues and knowing my anxiety with needles I just don't think it'll be a good idea lol. I'm definitely going to try what @firdous2015 says for breathing.
I didn't do n epidural, and I'm so glad I didn't. So many ppl talk about long term back from it.. I did take morphine. Once. It was a needle to my upper arm just so I can get some sleep when I was 2 centimeters dilated. What helped me was focusing on my breathing throughout the pain. There's a specific way of doing it too. You take a deep breath in, hold it, and then let it out in small breaths. (That's how the nurse showed me) it
in labor now lol at 5 it will be 12 hours, i'm not doing epidural. but they have been placing pills in me to soften my cérvix, if i have a good bit of progress by 8:30am going to start inducement
so I had no choice with my first, she was just ready to go.. but my advice, TAKE THE DRUGS! you will feel like you are being split into two! or go as long as you can without them, that's what I plan to do this time around