Yeah I understand, but it still sucks that it was there and that we could have wiped her face and she could have gotten hurt if it would have stuck to the wipe. Little upset, just trying to make other moms aware to check for these things,because they do happen but as mommy It's my job to protect.
It sucks that it happened to you but you have to understand how giant the production of those wipes are, accidents are going to happen for sure. Just like finding a hair in your food, it's not something that can be controlled much and it's gonna happen. Who knows how that glass got into those wipes but I'm sure it was purely an accident. I think parents choice is a really good brand and hopefully this doesn't make you switch! But anyways I'm pretty sure "glass" has been found in just about every baby wipes brand out there.
I plan to contact them first thing! Surprisingly parents choice is the only brand her body tolerated (can't use huggies or pampers wipes) and I even use their formula , but they let me down on this one!