kinda depressed. Doc said if I don't go into labor by Tuesday they are going to induce. I'm dilated to a 3 80% effaced and having contractions but when I went to L&D they weren't doing what they needed to. Hoping I go into labor on my own.
I agree with the others. if it's not medically necessary for you to be induced and you don't want to, you don't have to! don't be bullied into it. it's your baby, your body.
Just so you know, ultrasound weights can be off by up to 2lbs either way this late in pregnancy. it's hard to get accurate weight. they were actually off by 2.5 lbs with my oldest just because he was so long. also, it is VERY rare that your body will make a baby it cannot birth. I have a 4'11" 105lb friend who gave birth to a 12lb3oz baby with no problem at all! Trust your body, Honey.
You're not even 39w according to your profile. Are you healthy? Is baby girl healthy? If you can answer "yes" to those, then screw your doctor and say no to infuction. Drug-crazy doctors. -.-