Nooo don't pull on it! Lmao! That wouldn't be good. & you're welcome! A lot of girls on here have had the same issue and were freaking out so I know it's a big deal lol, never happened to me tho. Just in case you are a little worried cuz of the hemorrhaging thing, you could always call your dr in the morning and let one of the nurses know what's going on and just see what they say. It'll give you peace of mind :) I definitely do not think you need to be seen urgently tho! I used to be an emergency room tech and we used to have girls come in all the time for their postpartum stitches hanging or falling out, and the doctor would always let them know that it's normal and nothing to worry about 😊😊
@myliltadpole1116, I'm DEFINITELY calling my doctor tomorrow. Its snowing extremely bad right now so the ER is out of the question. :/ Thank you darling, I hope so too ❤️❤️
@queendavis, Oh thank god I was freaking out. I wanna tug it out but I can only imagine how much that would hurt. Hopefully it falls out soon because it's annoying me. Thank you SOOO much for commenting lol, I thought something serious happened. I had a horrible hemorrhage after birth so I'm just terrified I'll start uncontrollably bleeding again lol
Make an urgent apt. With ur dr..Keep track of ur temp and how u feel in general and any bleeding. If u get a fever or start not feeling well go to the er.. It's better to be safe. Hope everything ends up alright ❤️❤️
It's probably your stitches which isn't a big deal! It happens to lots of girls to where they either see it hanging or it falls onto their panties or something. It just means you're healing up good! 😊