Jessica Warner
Jessica Warner
Once you've lost your milk supply is there any way possible to get it back? I wanted so badly to breastfeed, I finally got my milk in at around 4 days post partum. Then it went downhill from there until it was gone completely. I'm 7 going on 8 weeks post partum now, is there anything I can do to get it back? Or could I speak to a Dr about something to take to get a milk supply? I seriously get so so depressed that I couldn't breastfeed when I was dead set on exclusively breastfeeding only.

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Thank you so much ladies! i'll definitely try this! I only have a small manual pump but I'll get on it.
13.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Try mothers milk tea. Also Oatmeal and drinking a lot of water
13.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Also there are W drugs ( prescribed ) that they say increase supply . Domperidone is not for sale in US the other is reglan. But be careful it has some serious side effects but obviously that would all be something to talk to your doctor about : )
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I almost lost all of my supply at 2 weeks when I got mastitis. Start power pumping ( if you pump )I'll attach a photo of a schedule below. I literally spent 2-3 days doing nothing but pumping. Mothers milk tea is great and WATER ... SO much water !!!!! All day everyday : ) I went from barely making 2 oz a day after that incident to now having 400oz saved and feeding her daily. I exclusively pump due to latch issues etc but that should help get the supply back to BF . Also if you are BF lots of skin to skin that will signal your body to make more milk. Everything is supply and demand as you probably know. I'm confident you can get it back !! It's challenging and time consuming and a labor of love as I like to say but you can do it ! I tried to keep this short but feel free to ask if you need any more tips info etc .
12.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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