lmao!! if I could give birth naturally, hopefully I can handle a little implant in my arm. hopefully. my sister got it and she handles pain worse than I do.
they didn't check my lady parts,not sure if it was because I didn't tear or whatever.. I did however get my depo shot for birth control.. but I wanted the nexplanon
@babynorwick, lmao...girl...that doc has seen worse than unshaved legs. I planned on getting the nexplanon because it's okay to have while breastfeeding. But I have insurance through my husbands job (military) and couldn't get it because I need a referral first. but that's what I will be getting once I have the referral. it's the implant in your arm that's good for 3 years.
Your pp checkup? I just had mine today. Doctor will just look at your downstairs to make sure everything healed correctly. See if the stitches healed right if you got them. You'll also get birth control if you want it.