Hello, how did everyone get their little ones to sleep through the night? My little one is 7 months old and will not sleep through the night!!! I've tried co sleeping, a little of the cio method (don't really wanna do that since she has asthma)!! Advice please!
all babies are different but i got my daughter to sleep through the night by always giving her baby cereal almost right before bed so her tummy was full. i always gave her oatmeal. :)
my son just turned one on the 19th of December he started sleeping through the night when he was about 6 weeks and once he started teething he stopped sleeping through the night he was waking up every 2 hours wanting another bottle to put him back to sleep he finally started sleeping through the night a week before my 2nd was born. to help him I adjusted his nap times tried having him nap earlier in the day so then he was more tired once bedtime hit. when he was teething bad I would give him a warm bath and send him to bed with 2.5ml of tylenol it seemed to help. he still has his nights where he wakes up but most nights he sleeps through the night and wakes up around 8 the next morning.
I love that Johnson and Johnson wash, smells so good lol! And I do that I keep a night light on! She's up every two hrs, she don't always eat though sometimes she looks at me smiles and goes right back to sleep, it's like she thinks I've left her! I know she has major separation anxiety from me as well :(
My son has the same toy he loves it ! - I do this for my son and he's been sleeping through the night since like 6 months - I give him a bath with the purple johnsons and johnsons it had camomile in it so it helps them sleep , I give him extra formula /milk before he sleeps so he'll be fuller and make sure it's dark around him when he's drinking so he knows it's night time . I've done this for a long time and it helps my son sleeps