Well I am a mommy to my baby girl that is 4 weeks today I had a c section.. Is it normal for you to get sharp pains up your belly every now and then.!? And also she loves to eat she's hungry every hour how do I loose some of the feeding time for her!? What can I do!?
Babies tend to eat a lot when they are first born especially when breast fed. There digestive system works quickly. And I'd say she's probably to young for rice cereal. And maybe she's just comport feeding.
I breast feed but when I pump I pump 4 ounces that what's she eats but she is still hungry after that can I put rice or cereal in her bottle when I pump or what.!?
I had a c section as well and it's been almost 4 months ago and I still get sharp pains so it's totally normal! And my little one ate all the time! Always seemed hungry! I bumped her up an ounce so she took 3 ounces every two to three hours.