Carrie B
Carrie B
i am stressed out to the max. I just had my baby girl 2 weeks ago and it looks like ima have to call my doctor to get a note so i can go back to work early. the kids father basically just said since im not working i dont have the right to ask where the money going. i cant even enjoy time with my kids because i have to deal with his bullshit. i may not be working right now but i was before i had our daughter. i worked all the way up until my water broke ! im the one who takes care of the kids all day and im the one who makes sure the bills are taken care of. he takes me for granted. i feel so unappreciated.

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I worked up to the day my water broke, too. I also went back to work after 2 weeks. I had to because I'm the only one working as my SO is in college full time and only does odd jobs when he can. It was soooo hard. I cried the first few days. Good luck. I hope things get better.
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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