Disappointed I couldn't breast feed Aaliyah because it was soooo stressful especially cause I spoiled her and she cried when I put her down when I would try to pump because she wouldn't latch.
Next baby though WILL be breastfed :)
@graciej, I was pumping for a little while but I hated having to take the pump and everything with me everywhere if I didn't have any frozen it sucks! @mel0011 I wish my milk was still in cause I would've tried again because I have more people to watch her that I live with. But formula is ok I guess. Next child definitely :)
It's ok. I couldn't either so I told myself next time!!! If you have anther one you can try agin. If your milk is still in you can mix formula & breast milk I did that for a few weeks.
I only breastfed my son till he was 3 months because he didnt want to latch on to me anymore. I tried pumping and just giving him the milk in a bottle but it was really time consuming. I had this 12 month plan to just breastfed but it didnt work out