Jessica Warner
Jessica Warner
Advice please?! I am 7 weeks 1 day post partum. I had an emergency c section. I'm having some horrible cramps in my abdomen, mostly on the right side but then it goes throughout the whole front. Could this just be horrible menstrual cramps or could it be something else? I seriously just had to take some of my pain killers that were left over from my surgery.

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@aneely13, oh goodness! my mom told me that after my c section my menstrual cramps would be horrible! i'm not bleeding yet but we will see if that's what this is because it feels how you just described. like I'm being ripped open!
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I always had bad cramps because of having endometriosis so I would get sick and throw up because of the pain, my first few periods after csection were amazingly easy and now are getting bad again but now I don't know if it's from bloating as well but it's like it pushes on my scar and my insides feel like they're being ripped at the seams. It's also going to take a while for everything to get normal again, I'm now 7 months pp and it still sucks sometimes.
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank you! I will call in tonight if it continues to hurt but so far my Tylenol 3's are helping. If it continues by morning I'll call my Dr. and yes I had severe pre-eclampsia. They started to notice my bp was elevated around 30 weeks but it wasn't too high so they just let it go. by my 37 week appointment the immediately admitted me and started induction. of course the magnesium sulfate fought against the pitosen so my induction failed and 3 days after all that, it was time for an emergency c section as my condition wasn't getting any better, just worse.
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
Huhhhhhh... No idea, but try to stay hydrated and call your doctor tomorrow about it. If it gets worse go to the ER. I stalked your page- I had severe preeclampsia and HELLP and had an emergency c section at 29 weeks. You could also call your local hospital/maternity ward/labor and delivery department and ask them if there's anything they could do for you tonight. It doesn't hurt to ask.
11.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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