I just gave my daughter a bath and when i got her out and was getting her dressed I noticed this inside her arm pit. Any idea what this could be?? It doesn't seem to be bothering her but it looks so painful 😔😔😔😔
It's actually not technically like diaper rash! It's a yeast infection! Very easy to get in their rolls and under armpits! Zoe had one on her chin from drooling constantly I bought some generic monistat and after I would give her a bath I would let it dry out and then put some cream on before bed and little after she wakes up and then just keep it clean and dry during the day and it cleared up in about a week!
@elliebelly, my daughter got this a few times too its pretty much a mix of where the her clothes are rubbing and her sweating. I always put a little bit of Aquafor ointment for babies.on it and it was better in about a day or 2.