well its been a very sad night for our family as our beloved cat has gone missing the heart breaking part is that my 2year old daughter keeps asking where Toby that's out cats name is, its such a sad thing to have to tell her that he might not be coming home again she doesn't fully understand we are all very upset family and friends are trying to help by saying he'll be home soon and all the usual but there words just don't seem to help:( I suppose a good sign is that he can't have been killed by a car or dead on the side of the road as environmental health haven't picked any cats up in 48hours so that's one good thing but we still want him to come home :(
Thank you @ginad still no luck at he moment hopefully he comes home in the next few days its such a heartbreaking time I vow to never own another pet in my life, too much heartache and i could never replace him he was one of a kind had such a good personality xxx
my Toby is about 2and a half to 3 years old and yes he's been nurtured too he has been totally normal this is why we can't get our heads around him leaving he was happy here thank you all xxc
My cat used to take off for weeks on the hunt for new ladies. Fingers crossed he comes home. I remember when I was little and my cat went missing my mam told me he'd gone to stay with a little old lady coz she's on her own and he's giving her lots of snuggles. It made it easier I suppose but don't know how your going to explain it to a 2 year old. I send my prayers he comes back to you xxx
he's been gone a good 27 hours now which is totally out of his character he usually wanders for an hour to two at the most that's what I've just been doing sent the other half to town to buy folder wallets to put posters in so they don't get wet and then shall be posting the around the area and through letter box's xxx
thank you yes I have I have rang all the local shelters and vets and registered him lost with them and posted him in every group im in on facebook some will get deleted but I simply through if I post in every group someone may have seen him xxxx
How long has he been gone for?? Sometimes cats wonder off to other peoples houses..get trapped in places and can't get out. Have you put up any notices etc? I'm sure he will come back. Xx
Find a lost and found pers group on facebook post on it plus search all shelters and ring them. If its an outdoor kitty he should really be chipped so if hes lost it would be easier for you to get reunited ..