Hey everyone,
First time mommy here, was wondering if anybody has any suggestions for an easier labor and delivery as well as how do I know when I'm in labor? I know everyone's different but any symptoms I should be aware of? Thank you all in advance!

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Also @andrinnam my water did not break on its own. I was 6 & 8 cm with my two babies when I went in finally they broke my water and shortly after I delivered. So not everyone's water will break lol I kept waiting on that and it just didn't happen for me.
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you both so much! @babiig0911 @34466 any little bit of info helps :D
10.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
awww congrats😁 red raspberry leaf tea helps your labor go by quickly. walk a lot. take a labor and delivery course. and usually if your in labor you'll know (: I didn't know and my key to go was my water broke lol.good luck hun! xoxo @andrinnam
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
My labor without an epidural and just IV pains meds was amazing!! Everything went smoothly and I felt great after. Breathing is key I never did lamaze or anything just breathe through contractions. Both times in labor I started at 10 at night mild woke around 5-6 and they were getting intense and regular contractions. Odd way both times I tried to eat cereal and threw up and that's what made me decide yup its real and time to go. I joked and said I guess my body wants everything out right now. But you will know when they get on a regular interval. My ob this time said if you have 6 contractions in one hour it's time to head to labor and delivery
09.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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