breast's are so damn swollen, leaking, and tender I don't even wanna wear anything😕 husbands liking lmao to bad he's realizing he's not laying one finger on them !! 😂😂😂
@blessingsonblessings OMG I did the Cabbage thing AND IT WORKED!!!!! I can't believe it!!! I used them shortly after I told you about it and low behold I went to pump I PUMPED 5 OZ between both breasts when I was only getting 1 OZ between both boobs just 30 minutes before!!!! Try it!! You won't be disappointed.... And it defiantly helped with the emgorgment!!
Yeah I guess the stimulation causes your body to release oxytocin which can cause your uterus to contract. Now this is Dr. Googles advice lol but I wouldn't want to risk it.
I just found out that you can use cabbage, you can wet them, freeze them and put them on your breast... I'm waiting on my cabbage to be delivered!!! Not supposted to do it too much if you are breastfeeding because it could dry you out!!