I'm sick and tired of being sick at night. . .
I have no ate properly due to "All Day Sickness", and my family is swearing that I am doing this on purpose. As if I want to starve. . any advice on what to do. Cereal is all I eat.
It's been proven that orange Gatorade is the best to keep your electrolytes up and keep you hydrated along with water.usually if you go to the dr and are dehydrated, after they treat you or a child they'll tell you to drink orange Gatorade.
Cereal was all I could eat for a while. It's ok. Just eat what you can handle, but I had to learn that an empty stomach isn't your friend! Make sure your drinking lots of water. Also try orange Gatorade.
that's not nice of your family. every one likes to eat, what I've noticed I can keep down is soup and sprite, maybe start off with that and as it gets better introduce whole food@izzie_annlay