My baby was 5lb 4 at 32 and now they think she 8lb 12 the weight isn't really my prob as had big baby in past it just this one is very wide and the really worried the shoulder will get stuck so best way is to give me a c section
I'm 31weeks and had a growth scan due to my first baby being full term and weighing 5lb6oz and measuring small all through my pregnancy and now with my second I'm measuring a week behind but baby's growing well she's 3lb10oz at the minute but I've been told not to always believe what they estimate them to be as its never near what they estimate I've got another in 4 weeks im anemic this time round aswell just can't wait for her to arrive now so me and daddy and her big sister Ella can all have cuddles my other daughters 2 now and in love with the idea of having a baby sister :)
to be honest you bearly see anything baby is so big and if head is down you might not see the face I didn't because he's head was so low lol @rachbump177 xx
@louise82, my 18 year old daughter just gave bith to a 10lb 4oz baby boy and she did it with just gas and air.. just go for natural hun its not worth the pain afterwards took me weeks if not a month to recover from mine.. wish you look.. wish i could have natural birth.. Xx
Thanks @cayleighnatasha I'm low risk so only had 2 hospital scans...but I like to get to see the baby at scans lol. Also would love to know how much baba is going to weigh roughly xx
Oh my gosh hun! I had my growth scan today too! I'm 35+6 and bubba is estimated at weighing 7lbs 9oz already! The Ultrasound tech said I have to wait and see what my midwife tells me xx