My so isn't he wasn't for religious purposes, my first son was but with this one he doesn't want to circumcise him. he has never had any problems with infections I would prefer to buy is not just my choice we are both okay with not having it done.
It just depends on your opinions I mean when they get independent and want to wash themselves and etc if he's not circed he could get infections I spoke to doctors (which in my opinion may be the best) they gave me pros that outweigh the cons so I did and plan on doing so with my second as well
I did it with both of my boys. My newest is 2 1/2 months now and the doc said he slept right through it, didnt even flinch, his however fused back together and we had to have it recut, I was there for that one and he only cried 5 mins and it never bothered him after that
I had my boys circumcised... if I have boys in the future I'd circumcise them to, just me and my option it's better than them having to have it done when they're older.... Just my opinion ☺☺