i wish i mad mommy friends my " best friend " is a mom but her mother watches her kid 24/7 so she cant relate to anything i feel real distant to everyone now 😞.
It sucks. My best friend was my cousin, we grew up together and we're family and I still never see her. She invited me to eat after my son was born but didn't want me to bring him and that's when I said hell no I'm done🙅🏻
@shesliketexas, thats how my friend is she calls but wont hang out it hurts cause she was my friend since 1st grade i hate how people act like kids are the worst thing ever.
Yup same here. I hung out with my best friend almost everyday while I was pregnant but once I had him that was it. She came to the hospital for maybe 10 minutes and haven't hung out since. My son is 4 now