jamie box
jamie box
little miss Callie tested positive for RSV, has anyone went through this and what helped baby most? she wakes in the middle of the night crying cause she can't breathe through her nose

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@calliesmom yes! I was going to comment & tell you the same thing! he only woke up like twice last night coughing, sooo much better! I can't wait for him to be back to normal too!
08.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
she has done a lot better with the humidifier for sure and the cough syrup! I hope your little one feels better too. I can't wait for her to get back to her usual self! @lovemyson_610
08.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@calliesmom okay, great! I hope our babies get better soon! This is no fun :(
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have to hold Callie down for medicine and the bulb, and my Dr said to make Callie eat with the Zithromax or it will hurt her tummy, she hasn't eaten much food food but she will eat her baby puffs w/o a problem, we are going to to try the Johnson and Johnson vapor bath and I'll let you know how it goes, I really hope it works tonight, and gonna try that cough syrup stuff! @lovemyson_610
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
@calliesmom and I've also been giving him Pedialyte to keep him hydrated. I give him yogurt to help his stomach, because the antibiotics they gave him mess his tummy up bad. The yogurt definitely helps!
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
I got it at Walgreens, it was like $10. If I was thinking, I would've gone to Wal-Mart bc I'm sure it's cheaper there lol. I'm sure that Wal-Mart has it. My son started out having an ear infection, that turned into a double ear infection. His ears are now cleared, but now he has RSV. I also got a humidifier today, seems like it's working some. My son hates the bulb thing as well, but I just hold him down and do it anyways. The Zarbees says 12+ months on it, so my doctor said to just half the dose, Darius (my son) will be 7 months in just a few days. I just gave him his 2nd dose a few mins ago, and he does seem to be doing better with it. My doc did say Zarbees is the best because of it having Honey in it, apparently honey has some awesome healing properties (I had no idea). @calliesmom
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
that's awesome! I originally went to er with her for vomiting and the Dr just prescribed her Zithromax for an upper respiratory infection. I took her to her regular Dr a few days later for a follow up and that's when he swabbed her and did a chest xray. She absolutely hates the suction bulb and fights hard to take medicine at times. she wouldn't eat or drink for a little bit but idk she likes to take drinks from a straw, you know how you put your finger on the top and it holds water, that's how she likes drink right now. we went out and got a humidifier as well and it's worked well not as bad of a runny nose! did you get that at Walmart?
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
07.01.2016 Нравится Ответить
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