LABOR STORY ... so on Wednesday morning I woke up and went to the bathroom had alot of blood so around 11am we went to the hospital and I was 1 centimeters so they sent me to my doctors appointment and my blood pressure was to high so he said go back to the hospital and we are gonna get this going . so at 445 they checked me before they began anything and I was at 3 now.. so potosin got started at 530pm I was having contractions but I did just fine they really didn't hurt at all I was laughing and perfectly fine so 7pm came around and they wanted me, to get the epidural I said why since I wasn't in pain so I took it anyway and got. checked at 1125 I was 8 now and baby heart beat kept dropping so emergency csection and at 1137 my 6lb 9oz 19 inches , long baby girl was born
i wouldnt of got the epideral if you didnt need it that can cause the baby heart rate to go down with the petosin going.... but glad baby is healthy congrats im not due till august