@jjbutton, wow ok !! I was 36 hrs with my first but then again this whole pregnancy has been the opposite so i guess my labor might be as well!! Thanks for the info 😘
@jjbutton, yours came in intervals right ? Whats throwing me off is its constant 😩 with my last pregnancy it felt at the beginning more like gas pain and it came and went so im so confused lol
I would pay close attention. I had mild period like cramps when I was going into labor. Just strong enough to wake up and realized they were coming in 10 minute intervals. My labor was fairly short (maybe that's why the short intervals). You may be getting closer to your delivery day. I would just pay attention to any changes. Good luck!
Its not contractions im the sense there not coming and going its constant peroid like cramps with a dull back ache. Hmmm I wonder if im close @february2016