been a while since I've been on here but I had my baby boy Conner on Oct. 29, 2015 he was born at 9:38 pm weighed 7lbs 15oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. and I had a natural birth no epidural best choice I could of ever made :)
lol me either I'm usually terrible with it and omg pitocen makes contractions 10× worse and 10× faster it sucks I went into labor on my own water broke at 5 am dialated to a 4.5 the. quit dialating got pitocen at 1pm to start contracion back up
I only got lucky because he was here earlier but you get to walk around like a boss! Atleast I would!! I am not known to handle pain well like at all lol
Oh my I barley made it the 4 hours then again the first two hours I didn't know I was in labor lol left for the hospital at 430 because I knew something wasn't right got there and I was already 6 centimeters. Dilated by 530 I was ready to push but they didn't get everything set up till 6:15 so I had to hold my boy in lmfao he was here by 632am on June 25th
And I did too with my son not that I had a choice because he came way to quick that they didn't have time but I wouldn't have it any other way either :)